Friday, July 21, 2006

To The Moon Landing, On Her 37th Birthday

I should've written this yesterday. Because today isn't her birthday, and now she's dead ANYWAY and all that's left - all that's ever left - is lonely Peter Gallagher and his lonely, lonely beach. And his huge waggly eyebrows.

I have to run errands today, but I'd rather not call them "errands," since "errands" is pretty close to "brainstorming" in terms of how much I fucking hate those words.
So I'll say that I have to obliterate a to-do list today.

Also, I'll say that I make to-do lists during the year to remember everything, but I alternate titling them "to-do," "ta-da," and "honey, do!"

One of the items on the list I'm to obliterate is getting my ipod fixed for the fourth time. For the FOURTH TIME I HATE YOU IPOD I HATE YOU FOR BREAKING FOUR TIMES AND HAVING FOUR DIFFERENT HARD DRIVES AND THAT'S STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH
and furthermore, I have to:
-send a letter
-retrieve Philippa's and my mail
-cash some checks
-retrieve a netflix from the package center
-buy advil
-watch more Dinosaurs

So why all the history now?


Blogger kat said...

i always enjoyed the word errand because it just makes me feel like im 30 and wear alot of khaki and blow my bangs up with a sigh when im standing in line at the post office.

1:37 AM  
Blogger Mary "trash biscuit" Stephenson said...

I have always associated the word errand with error. So it is just bad from the beginning if you ask me. Also I always make to do lists and as #1 put "make to do list" so I can immidiately cross it off and I feel satisfied without even doing anything! It's great :)

12:44 PM  

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