Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I Watched John McCain Through A Window During Class Day

Here's my problem with politics:

Susan Sarandon didn't move away from America when Bush won, as promised.

Seriously, think about it. That's exactly my problem. You can have an opinion either way (or no way) (or both ways!), but you can't just abandon your ultimatum. That's the problem with all of it. ALL OF IT! ALL OF THEM! They say there's something wrong with you if you're not a democrat at 20 and a republican at 40. I say there's something wrong with me if I ever stop barfing on everyone.

I woke up today at 6am and watched so much of The Office and Arrested, I might never be normal again. Then later, after I flew home to atlanta, I took Gabe Kotter out for a spin and played my Back to the Future cassette while driving and here's what made me laugh out loud: the thought of Dwight (from the Office) driving a car and saying, so seriously, "let's see if these bastards can do 90." It hasn't happened yet, but I hope it someday will.

Are you imagining it? Dwight? Saying the "if these bastards can do 90" line? There! Isn't that great?!

The rest of the story is that I'm home now and am looking forward to visiting Kit's new apartment tomorrow. What am I not looking forward to? "Last Call with Carson Daly." Thanks for ending, Conan. Thanks a lot.


Blogger Mary "trash biscuit" Stephenson said...

I miss Gabe...glad you're home have fun :) I'm in school..... :(

12:24 PM  
Blogger kat said...

umm i just love the fact that she gave an ultimatum like the thought of susan sarandon moving away would sway someone's vote.

11:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you really watch John Mccain through a window? that's cool, like the time we saw John Kerry from really far away in Buckeahd. ok i should be writing a paper. shit. (this is holly, im too lazy to login)

10:22 AM  

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