Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Boy, Do You Hear Me Say, Do You Hear Me Say Now?

here are some anagrams for my name:

-Crabby? Ask me.
-my kebabs car
-baby racks me
-cabby makers
-my back bear

Here's a cool name for a band or something that was an anagram for another name that I can't remember:
-Marries Motif

Here's what I can sometimes turn into when I'm playing a videogame:
-a shithead

though may I say that I totally BROUGHT IT to Guitar Hero today after work? The secretary Dorothy and I were rocking out so hard on the easy version of Boston's "More than a Feeling" that we almost broke the thing twice. I guess we had just closed our eyeeeees and we slipped awaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy

(bitchin' solo)

LIVING ON SOMEDAY OHHHHHHHH (did you know that's not really the line, though? I always heard "more than a feeling, living on somedays" but it's actually "more than a feeling when I hear the old song they used to play." I JUST found that out)

Here are the songs that I'm apparently really into these days:
-More than a feeling (boston)
-Caught up in you (.38 special)

Especially the second one, though. They really know how to break it down for us in the middle there. You know what I'm talking about, right? How like, there's a verse, then some musical interlude blah blah blah but then suddenly there's this CRAZY part that completely show's me what's what? It really does break it down.
The part with like, "if there - - comes a day - - when you should turn and walk away" blah blah. You know what I'm talking about.

I'm packing up to go back home. And I'm only a little perversely excited about the wisdom tooth extraction surgery I have coming up. I've never been put under before!

Here's how it'll happen:
Nurse: Okay, Becky, I'm just going to give you this shot and that'll be that.
(gives Becky a shot)
Becky: Do you want me to count back from 100?
Nurse: No, you don't need-
Becky: 100, 99, 98...(glances around room) 97, 96...(getting worried)...eeghghhhh? 95? 94? 92 Oh God 93?! Eghghghghghghhg 92?! 91?!! (screaming) NINETY?!!!! (charges off table, collapses near the counter with all those cotton swabs and tongue depressors, vomits onto floor and shirt)
Mom: Becky? Wake up Becky. It was alllllll a dreeeeeeeeeammmmmmm!



Blogger Mary "trash biscuit" Stephenson said...

My math tutor in high school (Laura Lamb) used to live with the guitarist from .38 special. They are best friends...really I'm not making this up. I think his name is Danny. Anyway so I could hook you up....if you want....(awkward face and smile and hand gesture)

4:46 PM  

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