Sunday, December 05, 2004

Don't Worry; It's Not Lonely

The only Radiohead song I have on my computer is "Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong." Why? Why no others?

Because I'm lazy, I guess. Lay off already...sheesh.

It's an enjoyable song, anyway.
A beautiful girl can turn your world into doubt.

Enough about the song, already.
Next: thoughts on why is turning me into a person I never wanted to become:

I never used to be so creepy. But now, through Facebook, I can look at profiles of people I would otherwise never know anything about. And this is not good - here is what currently runs through my head when I'm on Facebook or CU Network: "Well, I saw their profile, and they've probably already seen mine, so we've (in essence) been introduced and are now quite good friends. Thanks, Internet, for offering screennames as well. It makes it so much easier to IM these new friends of mine."

I used to have self-control. I used to be able to contain my eccentric impulses, thinking better of acting them out as each one popped into my mind. But now, thanks to Facebook, I think I've contracted some form of Tourette's or something. Damn that Mark Zuckerberg. Damn that Adam Goldberg. Damn that Al Gore, for inventing this ruiner we call "the Internet". Do not damn this blog. Nothing is wrong with this blog.

Me: Isn't that right, bloggy?
Becklectic: That's right. self-righteously nods head with eyes closed, arms crossed
Me: Thanks for agreeing with me.

Katherine says that maybe I should just disconnect my Internet for a while.


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