Thursday, February 10, 2005

I'm Real Sorry Your Mom Blew Up, Ricky


You know that scene from Better Off Dead where John Cusack has a bad time in class? Where the crazy subway ghost from Ghost is the math teacher and all the other kids are like cheering the whole time and begging to be called on to do geometry problems on the board? And John Cusack is the only one who's like "oh man this class is killing me," that is, until the teacher asks for term papers and (as all the other kids pull out like reams and reams of paper) John Cusack looks at his blank sheet of legal pad paper and thinks "well, shit"? THAT WAS MY ENTIRE DAY.

Mostly just Music Theory, though. Everyone was all "ooooh ooooh pick's an augmented fourth! No wait- it's a diminished fifth a-ha!" Everyone has turned into Horshack except me. Mr. Holland (the teacher) (that's not really his name, but he reminds me so much of Mr. Holland's Opus) had everyone sing this complicated scale pattern thing and by the end everyone was like dancing and laughing and singing their hearts out...

everyone except me, because I was too busy counting out my pulse every few minutes. I maintained a level of 63 bpm for most of class. That's the lowest my heartrate has ever been - I think that class actually was draining life out of me.

But the good news is...


(give me a second to think)

I can sleep until 4 in the afternoon tomorrow if I so chose?
Yeah I guess that's the good news.

Here's what has calmed me down:
the songs iTunes plays:
in the P section of artists:
1) Sussudio (Phil Collins)
2) It's Magic (Pilot)
3) One Line (PJ Harvey)
4) Hey Sandy (Polaris)

So really it's not so bad.


Blogger kat said...

hahahaha you have inspired me to rent better off dead. just thought you should know.

7:59 PM  

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