Flex Capacitator
that's just not right at all.
I like my men like I like my mummies: thousands of years old and living at the bottom of pyramids!
that's my new deal. Saying I like my men like I like my something. Katherine's in on it. THAT'S BECAUSE SHE'S VISITING ME RIGHT NOW!
If you were me, what would you write your 15-page Cultural Criticism term paper on? Perhaps the Film Culture journal? Perhaps you'd compare box office revenues to what the critics had to say? And then perhaps you'd synthesize some sort of thesis out of that? Probably one that has to do with avant-garde and "kitsch" movies? Or not. Not? WELL WOULD YOU OR WOULDN'T YOU?
At least two of my classes have used the movie Titanic as an example in the past week. "The money's all gone, Rose!"
I had forgotten they were making an Indiana Jones IV.
I'm going to Barcelona in a few days. A FEW DAYS?!?!!? Ay ay ay!
I like my men like I like my mummies: thousands of years old and living at the bottom of pyramids!
that's my new deal. Saying I like my men like I like my something. Katherine's in on it. THAT'S BECAUSE SHE'S VISITING ME RIGHT NOW!
If you were me, what would you write your 15-page Cultural Criticism term paper on? Perhaps the Film Culture journal? Perhaps you'd compare box office revenues to what the critics had to say? And then perhaps you'd synthesize some sort of thesis out of that? Probably one that has to do with avant-garde and "kitsch" movies? Or not. Not? WELL WOULD YOU OR WOULDN'T YOU?
At least two of my classes have used the movie Titanic as an example in the past week. "The money's all gone, Rose!"
I had forgotten they were making an Indiana Jones IV.
I'm going to Barcelona in a few days. A FEW DAYS?!?!!? Ay ay ay!
barcelona?? what are you doing in barcelona?? did you know that i was there for a too-short week way back in november 06? DON'T YOU WANT ME TO RECOMMEND CULTURAL THINGS TO DO??
I watched Garden State last night, and today my teacher referenced it...the scene of the dog humping his leg. Because we were talking about castrated dogs. You're going to Spain? I suggest you become a stripper. Or not. hmm.
For reals you're going to Barcelona??? AWESOME. Go to El Gato Negro. It's the best place ever.
Do you watch the Sarah Silverman show? I do and it's really the funniest shit I've ever seen. I think you would enjoy it.
I like my men like I like my cohosts of the view... varied.
hmm? I'll try try again.
anyways thanks for having me, I had a really good time!
Have a good trip to Barthelona
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