Sunday, February 18, 2007

Abrams Comma Rebecca

Write a Henry James paper. NO!

Watch the rerun of Nate Dern's Beauty and the Geek season finale. YES!

Look at the video fruit paunch made on the internet. CAN'T!
(it hasn't loaded yet)

Realize that I sweat much more than I'd like to. OH NO!

I've got some things to do. I've been going around with straight hair much more often than with curly hair these days. I found this plastic bag at work that looks just like the bag the 1950-2000 Sports Almanac comes in when Marty buys it in 2015.

Remember that time that I was all "dear prudence, my foot hurts?" Well guess what, Ladies. I hurt my right-side big toe, which I almost just called a thumb-toe. Which is DISGUSTING.

seriously though, term paper on Henry James. GO. It's about Washington Square, which is the only book I've read the whole way through for this class, so I should really write on it. I'm thinking here's the thesis:

James uses narrative irony to illuminate the characters' personalities and actions throughout Washington Square in a way remarkably similar to Jane Austen's satirical narration in Pride and Prejudice.

that's not much of a thesis. Am I proving anything? Only that I need a shower.
Which was pretty obvious to everyone from the beginning.


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