Monday, April 04, 2005

We Gotta Get You A Woman!

Leroy, boy -
you're my friend.
You say how,
and I'll say when.

That Empty Feeling's Just About To End!

Mr. Rundgren, get out of here! I'm trying to write something, for Pete's sake.

$10 for a marketing study? Gladly

Italian, Frontiers, and Lit Hum homework? ...ok

"We Laugh Indoors" by Death Cab? Not so much, guys. Not right now at least

Policemen on my floor around 2am, solving the case of the drunk-pissing-thieves? Intrigue!
Apparently, a pack of drunk assholes roamed the floor last night because they used to live here. They snatched things off of people's doors, NAMELY a "Where is Amy Q. Lin?" location wheel, and peed all over them. My friend Vishal was in the bathroom when they were peeing all over everything, and he told the police that he overheard them say "Meet me at JJ's in five minutes!"

So then the RA took the cops down to JJ's Place and they found the pee-thieves immediately. And some of us could finally get some sleep, for Pete's sake!

Here is the book that I regret not taking with me to New York:

Here is what I have to do before the end of April:
Visit the Plaza before they TEAR IT DOWN

Do something pretty while you can
Don't be a fool
Reading the Gospel to yourself is fine

We Rule the School


Blogger amanda said...

they are tearing down the plaza? what! hilarious story- about the peeing theives. you could write a play about it. i would enjoy it. you probably don't have time. i shall cry myself to sleep. p.s. matt carter doesn't have a grandmother. he doesn't have anybody, just his scrable board and his girlfriend. and his degree from harvard. and his phd. but whatever.

10:22 PM  

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