Thursday, March 31, 2005

Guaglione (Tu Vuoi Suffrire, Tu Vuoi Morire)

Seriously, no comments on that last one? that was a busy day, and today all I do is drop things I'm trying to eat on the floor. And wear skirts. I've worn two different skirts today, one of them with a pajama shirt.

Katherine's new art is up and now I'm advertising for it:
Remind you of anything?

Hey Kit Kat, was this the one you were drawing when you were telling me about all the assholes on your hall stopping by and commenting on it? I seem to remember a funny story that with it, but I think I forgot it.

The past few days I've come really really close to - I mean breathing in the exhaled air of - taking violent spills. Yesterday I tried to jump off a platform and my right foot got caught so I almost fell face-first into a sidewalk from four feet ( + me = 9') up, BUT LUCKILY I anticipated the fact that I would probably do that, so I kicked out that leg really fast and somehow landed with both feet.
Also, a couple of times I almost fell all the way down the steps in front of Low Library. Which is quite a feat, if I do say so myself.

Great News! The finger went back to normal size and now it's just bruised. And this snack mix is tres bien. But then, as I told Alison last night, "if they put enough cheese powder on it, I'll eat anything." Which I kind of think sums up my entire existence.
That, and this one time a few summers ago when I suddenly thought, "why do I have more than one band-aid on this hand?"

You won't be lonely
When it's over.


Blogger kat said...

thanks for the shoutout. I wouldn't say any of that is my best work so you know don't be a judger while your drinking your juice at your desk.

and yes it was and you can see my post about the making of that drawing here:


8:22 PM  

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