Tuesday, May 17, 2005

"House" Is A Wildly Interesting Show

Seriously, guys, seriously.

Here's what I mouth (without speaking) to Vishal:
Seriously Vishaallllll why are you dooooing thisssss?! STOPPPPPPP!


Oh man you'd have to see it to laugh.

What's this? Fox5 uncovered a fake lawyer? I highly doubt it.

What's this? I'm babysitting tomorrow and don't want to? That sounds familiar.

What's this? A commercial with a gunslinger and a scallop with eyes? Fantastic!

Today I went to the library and borrowed:
-Learn German tapes
-Learn Hindi tapes
-Learn Russian tapes
-Learn French tapes
-Neil Diamond's "Live In America"
-Michael Jackson's "Number Ones"
-Breakfast of Champions

Today I also went to Target and purchased:
-Sunless tan spray, Neutrogena
-grapefruit bath tablets
-"Wonderfalls" complete dvd series
-a candle that smells like mom's apple turnovers
-some conditioner that will trick my hair into thinking it's another color

I was driving in my car and I heard "Jane" by Jefferson Starship for the first time in a looooong time.

And boy, I missed it.

Look! It's that guy who always seemed like a mixture of C. Thomas Howell and very young Jim Carrey! What's he doing on "House?"


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