Saturday, August 20, 2005

Rachel McAdams Haunts My Dreams

Seriously. She's amazing, she's a whole new form of life - green eyes blazing and she's going to be my wife.

I saw Red Eye with mom this afternoon. I'm a little worried - but not too worried - about the fact that I just wanted Cillian Murphy and Rachel McAdams to have sex the whole time. Yeah, yeah, he's a sociopath and a killer and blah blah blah, but he was still just innocuous enough to convince me that it wouldn't be out of the question for them to get...busy. I'm just saying. Maybe I'll regret saying it later.

After the movie, my mother got a wild hair to go to abbadabba's, which is a store neither of us had ever been to. It was a mistake. There was difficulty finding the place, people were called shitheads, car doors were allegedly slammed...but then we got over it and I went to this creepy needlework shop next to abbadabba's where the cross-eyed proprieter (Mary) introduced herself to me and shook my hand. She smelled like cigars and there was a big black bird behind the register. She gave me her business card. I left immediately.

Last night at work:
ME: Jenn, I'm going to sweep the floor now, I think.

Coworker (Jenn): Knock yourself out.

ME: laughter

because guess what, guys. "knock yourself out" is hilarious. I'm having so much fucking fun pushing around this dumb broom, dancing in circles and whooping so much that I actually knock myself out and have to take a little nap. I couldn't stop laughing and it was all I could do not to act out what I was imagining as I swept.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought exactly the same thing! at first i was just annoyed that two such incredibly good looking people would be standing next to each other in line at the airport, let alone be both involved in some covert mission, but then i just started hoping they would get it on...

speaking of which, is it weird that i want to have sex with your blog? you're the future of bloggin', becky, the bloggin' future.

11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

several things: (also known as two)

1. i thought that cillian murphy said gillian murphy, and i thought that gillian murphy was brittany murphy because i didn't remember brittany murphy's first name, and brittany and gillian are kind of similar names for me. and so i thought you wanted brittany murphy and rachel mcadams to make out, which i did indeed think was slightly strange, but i thought that you were quite brave to put that on the web that is so world wide. then i realized that it said cillian, and thought that you were much less weird.

2. i'm glad your mother didn't have a hare. you already have a hare for a brother.

7:57 PM  

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