Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The Only Living Girl In New York

Well everyone, it's 5:53 (not PM)

I've been realizing throughout the night that this might be the first actual All-Nighter of my life. I've definitely broken night before, but I don't think I've gone for an entire 48-hour period without sleep. How strange that I've gotten so far in life this way. I'm excited. I'm also lame. We'll see what tomorrow is like.

I would bet that I can't imagine what it will be like.

I really enjoy the time of day (or night?) that I usually waste with sweet sweet sleep. But Becky, you love sleeping so much! Yes, that's right, but can't I like sleeping and not-sleeping at the same time? I think that's reasonable.

a) I've written that paper that I kept putting off (due at 9 AM today)
b) I've revised that paper that I should have revised a month and a half ago
c) I've ripped five cds onto my computer that I'm surprised I hadn't ripped before now
d) This is getting boring for all my precious readers...I'll stop here
...unless you really do want me to keep talking about things I've done with the wee small hours of the morning...

For about a week this July, I went a little crazy and listened to "Band of Gold" over and over and over. For seven days (maybe six), it was "Band of Gold" nonstop on my stereo. The lyrics intrigued me, and I wondered what the heck was up with Freda-- my thoughts:

1) Is the singer frigid? Like Hitchcock's Marnie? Most likely
2) Did she do something disgraceful and confess recently? Similar to Tess of the d'Urbervilles? Quite possibly
3) Turns out husband is gay? Not as likely, since the singer says that she wants the guy to love her "like he tried before"

I still don't know.

I organized and filed all these papers that were junking up my room. I can't stop jittering. My face is haggard. I can't take a shower now because the hair dryer will wake people up...and not using a dryer would yield disastrous results.

PS Does it seem like I'm obsessed with Motown these days? Because I'm not.
PPS Seriously, I'm listening to Sleater-Kinney right now.
PPPS And Janet Weiss's drumming is melting my face off!
PPPPS Double serious - the shaking isn't stopping...Delirium Tremens perhaps?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you slept yet?
It's overrated.
Best Song Ever As Of 12/8/04: Common's "Resurrection"...from back when he was Common-Sense...and before he did that Coke commercial...with Mya...eeh.

10:22 PM  

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