Sunday, March 13, 2005

It's Been A Long Time Since Technology Truly Advanced

What's this? New text options because I'm using my mom's computer at home?


I'm at home now and it's bitchin. Except that the wireless internet router won't work, so I have to use mom's computer.

I slept for 15 hours last night.
Nap 10-12:15ish
Sleep 12:30-1:30

Who would drink a Bud out of an old fashioned can?
Not me.

Though I'm a fan of the idea of an old fashioned can.

Man this keyboard is loud loud loud.
Clack clack clack
Not as refreshing as a typewriter.

Bonus Simpsons next?
Enjoying Arrested Development as I type?

Yes and YES.


I just saw the sweetest commercial of my life

and it has some little boy making a cake with his mom and he's so sweet and they're talking and bonding and the mom is like "Does she know you like her?" and he's like "I guess" and then they make the cake so it looks like a heart and the next day they drive to school and when the boy gets out the mom is like "Wait you forgot her cake!" and he turns around and knowingly shakes his head and then goes into school


good, non?


Blogger kat said...

that was the sweetest commercial ever. i saw it with my mom and we were both like together... aawwww. but then there was that awkwardness of why don't you bake me cakes anymore? hahaha

3:11 PM  

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