Saturday, November 26, 2005

Non Ti Devi Vergognare

a) Turkey
b) Stuffing
c) Pumpkin soup
d) Green bean casserole
e) Asparagus
f) Sweet potatoes stuffed in oranges
g) Salad with pomegranate seeds in it

I made items (d) and (f). They were, of course, delicious. My brother made items (g), (b), and (e). My preferences included (c), (f), (a), and (b). I felt item (d)'s recipe called for too much sour cream. Item (e) oddly had no effect on the way my pee smelled after dinner. I fell into a coma at the table after eating items (d), (b), (g), (f), (a), (e), and (c).

My dog smells bad and I think it might be because he maybe has IBS. Well, you know what they say - after a while, the owner and the pet start to look alike! Hah! Oh man I am terrible. Terrible! Jonathan, why do you even let me leave the house?! Honestly! I am a mess and a half! Honey, if you're getting up, could you bring me back another flute of champagne?

going to the marta station, which will take me to the airport, which will take me to a plane, which will take me to LaGuardia, which will take me to the cab line, which will take me to a cab, which will take me to Columbia, which is where I shall retire, perhaps after a nightcap.


Blogger amanda said...

what the hell does your subject title mean??(pronounced with bestes southern accent) ( cuz duh, southerners don't knot I-talian.)

11:42 PM  

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