Monday, November 28, 2005

The Two-Hundred-Ninety-Sixth Old Familiar Ruse

Oh no, here it comes - a republication my oldest and therefore most endearing (and littlest) post:

My first entry! First of several! Most likely!

Here is Becky:
1) thrilled about blogging, since I seem to take on more and more obsessive internet hobbies as semester continues
2) constantly worried about misspelling words
3) will drink any kind of soda...Any Kind. That's right, even Beverly. But I won't like the Beverly. No one does.
4) half-heartedly believe that using a blue pen on quizzes will give me luck
5) hid a red balloon in my closet over Thanksgiving break so that when I returned to my room, I would be surprised by a red balloon jumping out of the closet at me!
6) registered for fencing next semester...why?
7) because it was hard to get the classes I wanted
8) enjoy sweet potatoes:
a) for the taste
b) because once, in my youth, I saw on Pop-Up Video that women who eat a lot of sweet potatoes are more likely to have twins
9) am (platonically) fascinated by twins
10) last movie I saw: The Incredibles

To Do: write first entry...check.


Bloggy: happy anniversary, becky.

Me and Bloggy together: Now let's get some chicken fingers!

(even though I'm pretty sure Bloggy doesn't like chicken fingers very much) (compromise: that's why we've been together so long)

And PS to amanda-
it means "you shouldn't be embarrassed" and it's a line from "Sara," my most well-liked Italian song. I put it on your Spain cd, I think. So listen up and enjoy!

PPS they used "yeah, you can do a solo...just do it so low I can't hear you" on saturday night live this weekend. I'm already looking for a lawyer.


Blogger amanda said...

i AM listening to Sara.

please let me know what the lawyer says. and you know, maybe you could just start studying law go to law school and then we will sue. I think then we will have enough money to live off for the rest of our lives. do to whatever we want. all this takes is a few years of sacrifice from you. so just do it.

7:06 PM  

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