Saturday, January 28, 2006

Merrell Hambleton Meets The Big Two-Oh

Tell you what I did last night:

1) I came home, say, around a quarter to three (still so high)

2) hypnotized, in a trance from this body, so buttery brown and tantalizing

-you would've thought I needed help from this feeling that I felt, so shook I had to catch my breath!-

ooopssssssss there goes my shirt

and SCENE.

anyway this is a super-weekend, parties all the time, me not even care. Maybe I'll go to a convent and just start over. I'M SERIOUS, MAMI

I should start over, though. Start over this weekend or this semester or this whole college experience. What if I hadn't auditioned for the paunch? What if I hadn't even come to Columbia? What if last night I hadn't made out with a guy who turned out to be gay (making the count 4 to nothing)? THEN where would I be? Who knows! Probably on some houseboat in Seattle, whittling a cigarette out of a bar of soap and spitting into a spittoon whenever the mood struck! What a predicament I just dodged.

in one and one-half hours, I shall attend yet another party, ostensibly the ultimate party of the super-weekend. Then the bags are packed for the nunnery.

Bring me back something french!


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