Friday, December 10, 2004

Swimming in Blue Pen Ink


To occupy your time whilst I am gone, read this passage from my best University Writing exercise. I am interviewing Frederico Garcia Lorca about his theory of "duende," and this is Lorca's (my) response to my question, "How can you find more verve in death than in life?":

"Lorca: Think of death as not only the status of being dead, but rather as mortality on the whole. Death looms over all of us - it cannot be escaped. Death is inevitable. When mortals come to really comprehend this fact (which is a rare occurence), we are left feeling completely vulnerable. We are inconsolable, feeling the pain and beauty and mystery of life all at once and not knowing how to handle it. We feel the most intensely beautiful emotions that we will ever feel when we understand that we will soon die, and that is where duende is born. Duende is the shipwreck of living. It is the exquisite disaster that makes up one man's life. Duende is the acknowledgment and consequential pain of mortality, of one day not existing anymore. Everything that we can know or feel of death during life is encapsulated by duende."

Future plans:
* Read more Lorca
* Stage more interviews with myself as famous people
* Date a mustachioed man
* Take my Camry for a tune-up when I get home
* Buy pants
* Kiss someone under some mistletoe (for once)
* Learn to fly a plane
* Make some Jiffy Pop on the stove before I die

Pants, stay right where you are - I'm coming to get you.


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