Sunday, December 12, 2004

What He Didn't Get Was That I Was Comparing Oedipus As A Joke

Chanukah party = presents:

A sweater and a matching ski cap
A pouch with little cars on it

end of list.

I ALSO got to spend time with my step-cousin Julia, who is in tenth grade right now. She usually hates these kinds of parties, and I don't blame her. She is excited about driving. I reassured her that she was right to be excited about driving; driving rocks. Driving is what makes me happy. I feel tortured when I'm not with my Mr. Kotter, the camry. I miss you, Gabe. I miss you and your silly little mustache and your endless Uncle Herbie stories...

So the party was nice and I have yet to study for finals and that makes me seem preeettttty stupid, I guess. Except:
"Please excuse Juan for being a sheephead." Signed: "Epstein's mother's veterinarian."

Take THAT, corporate America!!


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