Thursday, February 24, 2005

Don't You Live Alone - Try To Earn What Lovers Own

Slowly and deliberately, I am beginning to really enjoy Fencing. We wore masks today for the first time and learned how to salute and boy oh boy is this getting good.

Last night I cut out a bunch of letters and taped them to my window, which faces Ruggles, which is where Addison lives, which is why the letters I put up spell out "Addison can you see this?"
And do you want to know what?
He Could.

Nowhere near on par with the Trash Salad, though.

Weekend is coming! It is upon us! Three more classes and I'm through, through with it all, just through through through.

I just found two eyelashes on the keyboard. That can't be good.

Composed during the walk back to dorm from fencing:
Joanne: The Cleats! I saw his cleats! How is that man's hair blowing? It's too sunny to be windy. He smokes, I smoke. See, dude? Haha look at me I'm smoking. mimes smoking, blows out foggy breath from cold air Well that's over. Why the helicopters today? Why not use cleats on that field? Why can't I remember the last time I had a hot dog? Why did I throw up that foot-long hot dog from Sam's Club when I was 7? Why did I start thinking about hot dogs? Why- pair of soccer cleats, tied together at laces, flies out of nowhere and hits her on the face. Joanne falls instantly and lies on ground for a while. Cigarette guy throws his cigarette on the ground next to her and walks off campus, buying a hot dog at the corner of 114th and Broadway.



Blogger kat said...

if i were oprah winfrey, that would make you gail. do you still wish it?

3:09 PM  

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