Thursday, December 08, 2005

Straight Pins Keep My Presidential Square Of Fabric On The Desk Chair

I feel gross because:

1) my hands feel dirty
2) I tried to get pretzels out of the vending machine today, but the computer in the machine changed the "A" button to a "C" code and I consequently got lays
3) there are all these open food things on my desk
4) sleepache
5) did terrible job on italian oral exam today
6) could use some sleep
7) am fatter than usual
8) sleep would be enjoyed by me
9) Locke calls my name
(not John Locke from LOST)
(the other John Locke) (his grandfather or something? I'm not sure, but they must be related)
10) haven't watched LOST in a while
11) haven't watched any tv show I care for in a while
12) my nose hurts because the sleepache spread to there
13) now to my ear and also inside my brain
14) screw barnes and noble when I get back home - I'm going to be sleeping for three weeks
15) three weeks of sleep, that's all I need
16) sleep, this remote control, and that's all
17) sleep, this remote, and this chair...and this mug, and that's all I need...and this pushpin

let's talk Locke. That's how I'll do the work - I'll read it as I write this. That'll do the trick! Maybe you're hallucinating!
-men are equal by nature
-everyone is bound to preserve himself
-doesn't agree with Hobbes sort of
-legal to kill a thief because the thief put himself into a state of war with me
-that's good to know, I guess
-I think if I had to kill someone with my bare hands, I'd try to do that grab-head-from-behind-and-twist thing. It seems quick and sort of painless and at least quiet. And once Chip Broun taught me how to do it. They learn everything in the Navy!
-sorry Locke, you're just not getting read tonight.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANNAH. There, I said it. Now Locke can finally shut up about it.


Blogger Mary "trash biscuit" Stephenson said...

When I think about John Locke I think about John Dunn probably just because they have the same first name. Here is John Dunn's shortest poem:
John Dunn
Anne Dunn

haha he got a divorce get it? That's totally true too

1:09 PM  

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