Monday, October 30, 2006

The Elephant Parade Always Catches Me Off-Guard

it's not even like I've been so busy that I haven't had time. It's that I've had very little to say.

Let's do a monster list, then:

1) items on my dest:
a) netflix (network)
b) ipod without cover (cover is in purse) - it's that mouse cover that katherine gave me a while ago
c) Grey's Anatomy season two disc one
d) flask (empty)
e) centrum (from a to zinc)
f) vick's vaporub
g) glass with some water in it
h) useless printer
i) disposable camera from my cousin's wedding
j) big blue sharpie that's actually Corporate Express brand
k) scripts from Xmas: a Secular Spectacular!

2) on my honey do! list:
a) sell printer on craigslist
b) tomorrow meeting with Writing Program advisor
c) buy plane ticket for Christmas
d) clean boxes out of room
e) develop film

3) in my stomach:
a) nothing?
b) water (from glass on desk)

4) on my body:
a) gray jeans
p) gross athletic shoes that make a mockery of my feet and athletes everywhere
h) pink plaid shirt
p) white sweater from mom's hope chest (received today in my SWEATER BOX!!)
e) underwear that has a thing printed on the back that looks kind of like that bahamas print ad, only with more leaves

5) items that came in my sweater box:
a) six sweaters
b) two coats
c) two gloves
d) one mitten (shit)
e) two scarves
f) two hats
g) one of those around-the-head earmuff guys
h) snow boots
i) the david sedaris books my mom got me for my birthday
j) some shirts and a card for my cousin Ali (her birthday was earlier)
k) love
l) a trash bag
m) my red flannel pajamas!!!

6) yesterday I bought:
a) two wooden rolling blinds
b) three pairs of underwear
c) a red wallet
d) a small Christmas tree cardboard thing that grows real tree stuff in 6 hours!!
e) an eggling
f) an ice cube tray that freezes ice into the shape of shot glasses! (lookout, present-receivers)


Monday, October 23, 2006


Kit-kat Turnbladt's Stephin Merritt video is hilarious. I've never seen anyone sadder than that man. He makes me feel it's rain-outside comforter-inside afternoon, and I don't hate it!

Uncle Nick's for dinner. I don't even have an uncle nick. Soon I will. Coconut rum might as well be schnapps. The dust thing was on Fat Fighters, and although I can't find that clip, I will provide the link to a different Fat Fighters segment. Thanks, Little Britain!

Whether you're getting the party started or taking it seriously easy, Malibu is perfect with your favorite mixer over ice.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


This week I have completed:
-two midterms, East Asian and Intellectual History
-one paper, Music Humanities
-four showers, sped way up
-nine and a half hours of office work
-twenty billion cups of coffee
-one multivitamin

By this weekend's end, I will have completed:
-one trip to connecticut
-two rehearsals, XMAS and Before Meals
-nail polish

Dust. Anyone? No? DUST. anyone, no?

Monday, October 09, 2006

You Can Make Me Dance, Sing, Or Anything

Tonight at Ali's birthday, grandma gave me a bag of hotel soap and shampoo. So now PABAR has a bathroom hospitality basket, which is something I didn't expect but am very pleased with.

I have all these disposable cameras to develop and all this laundry to do and all these midterms to study for and all these rashes to either get rid of or hide. I have to return a bunch of things and I'm worried time is running out on the return/exchange period. I really don't like this The Fall song that matador gave me on its sampler. I thought The Fall was supposed to be great, but now I realize they must've been saying "grape," not "great." I always hear one when someone says the other.

Also, I've had In Good Company out on netflix for two weeks. I fall asleep every time I try to watch it. And it makes me feel weird about unwanted, late-in-life pregnancy. I actually typed that "late-n-life" first, and I think I like it better that way.

And it turns out some guitar hero songs aren't so so hard on expert. They just expect a little more out of you, that's all.
Remember turning 21? I liked it.