Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I Guess It Takes All Kinds

I'm not going to read any of those books. I did buy some books on the sidewalk today, though. 3 for four dollars! I didn't have the fifth dollar and the lady was like "I'll be here all day - you can bring me a dollar later" and I was like "SUCKER!" and glided away with the books.
Then I got a dollar from my room and went back to the sidewalk and gave it to her.

And what's more:
some kid got an internship today that she really likes. AND THAT SOME KID IS ME!

PS Anybody know where to buy a swim cap? They don't sell them at rite-aid or duane reade, apparemment. Why do I even want one?

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Ci Sono Dei Segni Dappertutto

How do I have six distinct bug bites on my left foot? They're so damn itchy. I'm in hell.

I made out a rough draft of my reading list for the summer:

-"Look Back in Anger" (Osborne)
-"Barefoot in the Park" (Simon)
-"Rhinoceros" (Ionesco)
-"the Birthday Party" (Pinter)
-"Park your car in Harvard Yard" (Horovitz)
--all of the above are plays that Richie Tenenbaum painted Margot Tenenbaum reading--
--all of the below have a good chance of being read--
-"A Number" (Caryl Churchill)
-Collected Plays of Neil Simon, vol. 1,2,4 (Simon)
-Congo (Crichton)
-About A Boy (Hornby) (maybe)
-I'll probably try to actually read Lolita the whole way through, since last time I stopped at the part where I had stopped watching the movie, so I couldn't fathom what else could happen past Lolita coming home from camp.
-some of those short stories from my Structure & Style class that I never read

Come on! Come on! Come on!
It's time to get it started - YEAH
The only thing that's left to do
is cure the broken-hearted.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Fleet Week

It's Fleet Week. Did you know that? I saw sailors last night when Nessa and her friend Jesse and I went to Señor Swanky's. SAILORS!

I got lost in Washington Heights this morning. Then when I got back here, I wrote a story about a girl who gets lost in Washington Heights and then some man in a car parked next to the sidewalk puts a cigarette out on her arm. I'm really proud of it.

Matt's birthday is coming up. I think I know what I'm going to get for him. And, boy, will he be surprised and delighted! Maybe just delighted. It probably won't be much of a surprise. Could be, though. Who knows?

Yesterday Walt and I made another video. It's called "Walt and the Mystery of the Water Tower." If you send me an email, I can send you the video. If you want.

Franzia is a good investment.

The first time I typed it, I typed it "FranΩia." That's just not right. That's not right at all.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Two Empty Water Bottles

Franzia Burgundy.

Can't Hardly Wait

two empty water bottles

blue eyeshadow

schick quattro, schick quattro power

undo some boxes and hide them behind the closet

stale smoke room


no wasabi peas


Sunday, May 21, 2006

It's A Good Day For Flying

Guess what, fatties. I'm back. Only this time, I'm much bigger and much blacker. It's because the school is so close to Harlem, I think. Stop me at any time.

I had to catch a later flight out tonight because I'm a big dummy and marta was doing that thing where it tried to trick me into thinking it was standing still when actually it was just moving very, very slowly. I got to sit in a row by myself on the plane. The man behind me (in a row by himself) had a lovely scottish accent. While I was able to trick myself into believing that it was actually Stuart Murdoch behind me for most of the flight, I realized by the end that it was just some sickly man who didn't like for me to look at him. Sorry, Stuart. Maybe have some broth?

I watch a lot of finales these days. That's nothing I can help. I'd like to watch even more finales. TV and I need to spend some time together. It's been a long time.

Is there a bug going around where it does a dialog box that says "your startup disk is almost full?" Because I've asked it not to tell me that several times and it keeps doing it. Then I deleted a bunch of stuff and yet it continues. I feel like some eggs. Tell me anything and everything you know about computers, please.

It's been a long day, America. A very long, very good day.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

There Must Be A Pillow-Talking Man

Why, I went to Katherine's huge, amazing apartment! It was amazing. And huge? Seriously, though, it was great. Hugely, amazingly great.

how about a list:
-woke up at noon when a phone rang, tearing me away from a dream where I only remember thinking "[forgotten idea] is the best idea of my entire life...thank god I don't have to worry about forgetting it, since I wrote it down!"
-haircut and hand massage at the Van Michael salon, courtesy of EB Abrams
-Gabe passed his emissions test (C plus, C minus - either way it's higher than a C, right?)
-bridesmaid dress fitting with mlle. Briana Roeder, bride-to-be
-promotion to mlle. Abrams, maid-of-honor-to-be
-evening at home with my moms

I'm thinking of spending eighteen hours in line at the Registration Office so I can pay $70 for a one-inch sticker for Gabe. Then maybe I'll leave an egg in Krotov's mailbox in the hopes that later on, he'll try to get his mail and there'll be an egg in there!!

Maybe he'll accidentally touch it!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I Watched John McCain Through A Window During Class Day

Here's my problem with politics:

Susan Sarandon didn't move away from America when Bush won, as promised.

Seriously, think about it. That's exactly my problem. You can have an opinion either way (or no way) (or both ways!), but you can't just abandon your ultimatum. That's the problem with all of it. ALL OF IT! ALL OF THEM! They say there's something wrong with you if you're not a democrat at 20 and a republican at 40. I say there's something wrong with me if I ever stop barfing on everyone.

I woke up today at 6am and watched so much of The Office and Arrested, I might never be normal again. Then later, after I flew home to atlanta, I took Gabe Kotter out for a spin and played my Back to the Future cassette while driving and here's what made me laugh out loud: the thought of Dwight (from the Office) driving a car and saying, so seriously, "let's see if these bastards can do 90." It hasn't happened yet, but I hope it someday will.

Are you imagining it? Dwight? Saying the "if these bastards can do 90" line? There! Isn't that great?!

The rest of the story is that I'm home now and am looking forward to visiting Kit's new apartment tomorrow. What am I not looking forward to? "Last Call with Carson Daly." Thanks for ending, Conan. Thanks a lot.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Tag Really Should Go Before

Interim, a new once-act

Me: room, I'm the boss. Get it?
Me: oh yeah, you're right.


Friday, May 12, 2006

To Canada, Then

things to do this summer:
1) go to ASSSSCAT 3000 every week
2) street fairs!
3) read Io Non Ho Paura and the rest of the Hitchhiker things and anything else I find
4) visit every borough
5) go home for a few weddings
6) possibly go home for longer than just the weddings, as I've spent all morning getting nostalgic for home.

That's strange - I should be nostalgic for here. But I'll be here for the summer, so it does make sense that I'll miss the place where I won't be. What a terrible way to be. Here's how I got nostalgic: I read through emails from last summer.

Here's what I'll miss because I won't be able to do them this summer:
1) sit on my living room couch watching tv while it rains outside
2) go to lunch with my friends and then snowball lunch into an afternoon at amanda's or mary's
3) drive around
4) concerts in atlanta
5) everything else I've gotten used to doing every summer of my life

I think I named this "To Canada, Then" because I've always wanted to visit there. Actually, I have an empty bottle of Canada Dry on my desk, so that's probably why. But I'd still like to see Canada. Maybe even live there someday. Maybe I'll study abroad there.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Hate, Actually

Look, all I'm saying is that it's okay to get excited about a show meant primarily for teenage girls and their mothers when YO LA TENGO is on it!

And also, I have my last exam in two hours. It's my American Film History Genre/Auteur Study 1930-1960 final. I hope they ask an essay question about pawns because I've got a great way to connect On the Waterfront, Paths of Glory, and the Pawnbroker. Or, if I'm really hoping for things, I hope they do that thing where you walk in and they say "you can walk out of this room right now and get a B on the final" and then when you stay, they hand you a piece of paper that says "congratulations for believing in yourself - you get an A." That's what I'd really want.

I might be home next week. MAYBE.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I Will Never Want That Wagon-Wheel Coffee Table

I never reported on whether April 5th was important, as I had predicted it might be way back when the year began. Honestly, I don't remember what the hell I was doing on April fifth. So it was probably great. Or not. How would I know?

Varsity Show is over. Cast party last night. Show was great. Met Dennehy. Am still exhausted.

I went to NBC tonight to watch 3 pilots so that they could get some more public responses - Tina Fey has a show that's funny enough, then there was this Friday Night Lights loser show that made me fall asleep for a thousand years and wake up with a beard covered in ice, then there was this drama called "the black donnellys" which was AWESOME and had Smalls and the kid from Virgin Suicides who has my brother's exact birthday. I hope it gets picked up. I hope Tina Fey's show gets picked up, though I doubt it'll last for longer than a season. The football show can kiss my ass.

A lot of the time, I'm wondering what "flax" really is. Oh yeah, it's a grain. Thanks, wikipedia.

Here's something that happened a few years ago:

(mom, matt, and becky eat sandwiches in Atlanta Bread Company)
Matt: what kind of bread did you get, becky?
Becky: nine-grain...which is a total lie. I bet there's only like, two grains on this and their lie works like gangbusters because no one knows anything about grains.
Matt: yeah, are there even nine different grains?
Becky: I doubt-
Mom: oat, barley, rice, wheat, sorghum, millet, corn, rye, spelt, flax-
(blank stare from everyone)
...wait was that nine or ten?
Becky: (heart swells with pride for mother)


and finally, what song continually played in my head today, you ask?
"Wives and lovers!"
(the one that sounds sort of like andy williams's version of "the most wonderful time of the year," only it's dionne warwick and it goes "Hey, little girl/comb your hair/fix your makeup")
I think frank sinatra does a version of it, too.