The Last Day Of January
Today I went to my first Mazer Family Fund meeting, which made me feel very important and savvy, which I figured is probably the way someone with a degree in finance feels all the time. Also I did other things that I can't remember. I kant remember. We read Kant in CC today. I love it I love it I love it Natalie Wood Natalie Wood Natalie Woooooood.
Last year on this date, I had "Danny's Song" stuck in my head and had just had a vivid dream about fretting upstairs while my unwanted old-man suitor waited downstairs. I still remember it pretty well WOW! I won't lie - a whole year went by and I still remember a dream that probably took place in under 10 seconds? I must have the most well-oiled machine of a brain ever, EVER.
Before I go to bed I have to:
-rinse out this bowl, which held ramen noodles not five minutes ago
-read something for italian
-read a lot for film
-change into my red flannel pajama set
-not drink a soda like last night, when I sat straight up in my bed for hours wondering why I couldn't sleep
-put the bowl away
-wash that I might be so fresh and so clean-clean
-turn out the light
-turn on the scrubs dvd I have out from netflix
-watch half an episode
-allow my eyes to shut
-clear my mind of all conscious thought
-prepare for REM
and at that point, I'll be pretty ready to sleep I think.
Likely modifications to the above list include:
-I'll probably skip the homework parts
-most likely I will only wear a part of the flannel pajama set
Tomorrow we're watching Citizen Kane in film and I. can't. wait.
I've heard it's supposed to be an okay movie, or something. who really knows, though. I mean, not that many people have seen it. Or have wanted to see it. Like, maybe more than zero...would be the number...of people who have seen it and wanted to see it. Whatever.
I just wish I didn't already know how it ended.