Friday, April 29, 2005

No, Not Helen. My Friend - Ellen.

Well it's been a long time since anything like THIS happened. (Posting, that is).

Varsity Show all freakin weekend (say it out loud, please). And all week before that. And all semester before that. I've been running on 4 hours of sleep a night for a week, and it's been working well up until right now, as I sleep on the keyboard.

if I just let my face fall onto the keyboard, what would it type?
(A game katherine and I used to play on instant messenger, if memory serves)


That was it.

Round two:

(That time it just did four spaces)

SO ANYWAY, if you're reading this in New York, Come see the Varsity Show!
If you're reading this in Atlanta, Suck a lemon.
I don't know what that means
But I'll be DAMNED if I don't love to say it!

That, and "Sit on it!"


Sunday, April 24, 2005

Married And You'll Be Gone

Passover in Lake Success:
a short holiday one-act

Becky, Grandma Bobbie, and small cousins Michael and Jack park in front of Uncle Buzzy's house. Boys gallop up the sidewalk. One of them trips and gets back up

Everyone inside: uncles, cousins, great-aunts, regular aunts, in-laws everywhere. All are centered around a large platter of chopped liver. My 15-year-old second cousin Brian is trying out his stand-up for anyone who goes near the chopped liver.

Brian: loudly Call me crazy, but I don't think I should be digesting something that's used to clear out stuff you're not supposed to digest!

Becky: approaches chopped liver, gets some, almost puts it in her mouth-

Brian: Call me CRAZY, but I'm not wanting to eat stuff that helps you not digest stuff!

Becky: stops the chopped liver express Mmmm I love me some chopped liver. Eats chopped liver

Matt approaches

Brian: I might be crazy, but I wouldn't eat something that's used for you to not digest certain things. It produces BILE, people!

Matt shrugs

Me: The gallbladder produces bile.

Brian: BILE, people! BILE! waits for a laugh, apparently hears one, continues on. So in my spanish text book, I noticed all our chapters were about gas stations, grocery stores, and car washes...I realize, 'hey! this book was made by some pretty accurate racists!' still very very loud

Me: gets some more chopped liver I gotta go.

Time passes...everyone sits down at the table

Little Girl Cousin: Where's my haggadah?!

Uncle Buzzy: Ok. Everyone turn to page six. reading Each year, we celebrate the holiday of Pesach-"

Little Girl Cousin: MOMMY! Where is it?

Uncle Buzzy: ... "the holiday of Pesach to remember what G_D did for us in-"

LGC's Mommy: I don't know, sweetie! Listen to Grandpa Buzzy.

Uncle Buzzy: ..."in Egypt." Ok everyone turn to page 40. Look! It's time for the dayenu!

All Little Kids: Puzzled expressions

All: singing Day-dayenu, day-dayenu, day-dayenu, dayenu dayenu dayenu!

Half: Ilu hotzi hotzianu, hotzianu miMitzrayim, miMitzrayim hotzianu dayenu...

Song has awkwardly trailed off

Another Cousin: AAAAIIIIII! screaming for no apparent reason

Uncle Buzzy: Matt, please read the next section.

Matt: reading "The first son is the cha-CHAM-"

Everyone: not in unison CHA-cham!

Matt: Don't question me. "Now the wise son asked" blah blah blah

Uncle Buzzy: Next section- Betsey

Little Girl Cousin: MOMMY sudden switch to equally loud stage whisper Mommy where's my napkin?! I think it fell down!

Me: Becky?
..."The third son, the 'tam,' is simple and should be answered delicately..." Becky reads entire passage beautifully, hebrew pouring forth from her lips like some sort of milken honey

Uncle Buzzy: Oh look we're done with the seder.

Everyone cheers!

Meal proceeds in exactly the same manner as the seder. Kids shouting, women sharing revelations they've had regarding hot water with lemon, grandparents sitting back and watching the kids, me sitting back and watching the kids, Matt punctuating Brian's comedy bit with forced grunts of laughter.



A lot of people weren't there, so I'd classify it as an off-year holiday. Just like Christmas this year. Holiday-wise, this has been a throwaway year - and that's a shame because people need their holidays. Especially me. I can't go two years without a decent Passover! I can't pretend to be okay with Christmas 2004 being sub-par! What's going on? What makes this year different from all other years?!

At least now I've got a paper to write, two 1/2 books to read, and an Italian oral to prepare for
Before Tomorrow.
So I've got that going for me
which is nice.

Friday, April 22, 2005

This Time, There's No Stopping Us!

Give us any chance: we'll take it!
Read us any rule: we'll break it!
We're gonna make our dreams come true-
Doin' it our way!

...And we'll do it our way, yes our way!
Make all our dreeeeaaaams come true!


An Open Letter to Nature Valley Granola Bars:

Dear Nature Valley Granola Bars,
As I walked out of the ladies' bathroom this evening, I saw an empty box of you in a trash can. Your box's exposed side displayed a new flavor - "Sweet and Salty Nuts." I was astonished! Six (or seven) double-takes don't lie.
I'm writing this letter to congratulate you on this new frontier of advertisement. May the "Sweet and Salty Nuts" marketing campaign last forever! Please send a free box to me at my house.


(scribble scribble big signature)

Rebecca Abrams

P.S. Are you friends with Goya Cock-Flavored Soup?

(Second Intermission)

Here's a show you guys might not have thought about in a while: BLOSSOM.
Here's who starred in both "Blossom" AND "Soap": Ted Wass.

Here's a show that has nothing to do with Ted Wass or "Blossom": MYOB
It starred Lauren Graham and Katharine Towne.
It ran on NBC for not very long.
It was a real stinker, if memory serves.

(Third Intermission)

Books I Hope To Read Over The Summer:
1) On the Beach - Nevil Shute (a few people try to deal with their post-apolcalyptic world (nuclear war, what else?) as they see the end of humanity coming in about a year)
2) Breakfast of Champions - Vonnegut (don't really know what it's about, but that's how I went into Cat's Cradle and Slaughterhouse Five, so I'm not worried)
3) The French Lieutenant's Woman - John Fowles (a very young Meryl Streep is in the movie, which I'd like to see BUT before I do that, I'd like to read the book so I understand the plot, which I anticipate to be confusing)
4) Hitchhiker's Guide - Douglas Adams (I might as well)

Why thank you, Brett! You've filled out quite nicely, too!

Sara, Svegliati! E Primavera!

Sara, wake up! It's Springtime!
by: Antonello Venditti

Not enough sleep this week + quite quite strong bacardi in Mike's room = falling asleep...
better blog first, while my thoughts are in order.


And as I led little Walt into the preschool, all the children cried, "Pesach is coming! Pesach is coming!" He got so excited that he dropped his pacifier on the floor, where all this dirt and hair got stuck on the rubber part. We all looked at that gross dingy pacifier for a while, contemplating the gross dinginess our ancestors must have encountered as slaves in Egypt...always dropping babies' pacifiers in the busted Egyptian sand.

A Rebecca Abrams Original

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Not For All The Tea In China

Camels, robots, what?

Walt and I made the bitchin'est video EVER last night. It's beyond amazing. However, I can't seem to send it anywhere, since I'm computer illiterate, hey you illiterate, you're so...illiterate...I bet you can't even hear me, you illiterate!

Hey Jerri, you know what? Don't listen to those kids - it doesn't matter that you can't read. Say, do you maybe wanna go see a movie with me tonight?


Great! Oh wait - the movie's a foreign film...with subtitles...I guess it DOES matter that you can't read, you dumb, no-reading loser!

Ladies and Gentleladies, you just. can't. write. this. stuff. How was "Strangers With Candy" so good?

Dialogue the Second of today's post:

My Stomach: Oh My... God Becky... Why Did... You... Eat So Much?
Becky: Chill out, bitch! I eat what I want, when I want!
MS: burp!
B: disapproving look Gross, stomach. That was no good. Just like your old man - he was a slacker, too.
MS: What? awakens from apparent food coma and shakes off sleep Are you talking? I thought I was dreaming that.
B: Yeah yeah just go back to sleep-
MS: WILL DO. zzzzzzzzzzzzz
B: looks around, nothing to do...Better get used to these bars, kid.


I guess you guys think you're so smart. It's true. I know THAT much is true. Find me, find my computer, just do something and watch! this! video!

Walt, you're gonna be a star!

I Know Within 5 Months Of Looking At You That You'll Never Be In Love With Me

Things About Today:

1) Julia Stiles sighting #4
2) Slow but steady wins the celebrity sighting race - that's what I always say
D) Horribly behind on Lit Hum
6) Did some thinking today - and it's possible that I could make three distinct A's this semester!
7) (They'll do well to offset the potential B's and B-'s)
8) (Thanks a fat lot, Lit Hum)
g) Made an INCREDIBLE video with Walt today...unfortunately, it won't open up for anyone I send it to.
11) Which is a SHAME because it's hilarious
12) And delightfully unexpected
51) I voted today...what, no sticker?
2) Seriously, there weren't any stickers
9.2) What's up with that?
D) Horribly behind on Lit Hum
43) "If you were my lovin' kind, you wouldn't ask me why"
44) still in love with new room configuration
55) Well, neither does she!
7) She who?
I) She ME! ME!
p) time for some sleep, for Pete's sake.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Quizmaster Strikes

Time For...


1) Whose birthday was it yesterday?
2) What band leader went to the same high school as Zach Braff (but at a very different time)?
3) If I were to let...strike that...If I were to WANT someone to waste a minute of my time, who would it be?
4) If one late night talk show were able to save me from some huge alligator at the bottom of the sea, which one would it be?

(Turn computer upside-down for answers)

(pretend this is upside-down)
2) it's Max Weinberg, the half-closed-eyesiest band leader out there
3) FRANKENSTEIN! (wouldn't it be froderick, then?)
4) The Tonight Show...HAHAHA JK JK Leno would get eaten immediately and I sorely doubt Kevin Eubanks's ability to breathe underwater...IT WOULD ACTUALLY BE LATE NIGHT WITH CONAN O'BRIEN!

Working in a box office is a thrill
This box lunch chicken sandwich is halfway between triumph and defeat
Italian, Ear Training, Music Theory quiz = promises to be the flooziest day EVER

I should be reading To The Lighthouse!

Monday, April 18, 2005

Spin The Bottle, You Old So-And-So

Crazy weekend, crazy weekend.

Still resting up - shouldn't have slept through lit hum but the TA's are striking so I'm not getting counted absent today.
Should have done homework over the weekend but never found time.
Should have done so much other stuff that I didn't do
and now the year is ending like three weeks from now
and I'm freaking out
and we can cross Spin the Bottle off the "Games I've Yet To Play" list
and I rearranged my furniture again
Oh yeah, I'm registering for next year's classes in two days
and I need to figure out what the heck I'm doing
better go wash my face
Even though there is a crowd of prospective students standing in the hallway right outside my door
"This is what college looks like, kids! Look at my haggard face!"

So we were on a class trip or something...maybe family vacation...I think it was the freshman class at Columbia, plus my brother and some other people...ANYWAY, we were vacationing on this HUGE train under the sea. It was a mammoth train with super-huge cars and we were riding along the bottom of the sea-floor and our cabins looked like our dorm rooms.

I was in my room, getting adjusted, and two friends were visiting me. I decided to open the blinds to have a look at the ocean around us, so I pulled up the blinds, ONLY TO SEE A THIRTY-FOOT ALLIGATOR PRESSING ITS NOSE UP AGAINST MY WINDOW, BENDING THE GLASS LIKE A CARTOON. We all screamed and then somehow I ended up outside the train, with all my classmates and friends watching with horror from the inside of the train. The alligator chased me back and forth for a while, taunting me and telling me horrible things and making me feel miserable. He chased me along this ridge (maybe a volcanic ridge?) that was next to the train tracks in the ocean floor. Eventually he told me that it was his decision to stop, and that I should "think twice next time" or something vague and threatening like that. So then I fucking swam like crazy to the train and only my friend Ashby was freaking out. Apparently everyone else had forgotten what was going on. That, or they were trying to pretend that it didn't happen.

So then I was inside the car and a few kids came up to me and were like "are you ok? That was crazy...PS we're scared to move cars" because to switch between cars would mean that you had to go outside for those two seconds while between cars, and no one wanted to be eaten. I reassured them - "No, I mean, it's okay for ME to go outside because the alligator and I have worked something out."

Then Alison and I looked out the window for a while and noticed how we were looking at huge underwater community of people. There was one guy walking up his sidewalk, walking on top of his "pool," which was actually dirt I think. And everyone was just walking and breathing like normal (everyone outside the train, that is). None of them were mermaids or anything. We talked about how strange it was.

That alligator was HUGE, though. And there was no way I could get away from it using my own wiles. It was totally his decision to let me go safely. Maybe he was lonely or something. I'm still very scared.

...And that's why I fear the ocean.

I don't care that alligators don't usually live there.

Friday, April 15, 2005

YEAH! Babies Everywhere!

iTunes Post the Third, you demand!

10 Most Recently Downloaded Songs (slightly altered to include favorite new songs):
1) "Do Ya" - Electric Light Orchestra (as in, "do ya do ya want my love?")
2) "Animal House" - Stephen Bishop
3) "Sara" - Antonello Venditti (NEW FAVORITE SONG)
4) "Please Don't Go" - K.C. and the Sunshine Band
5) MGM Lion Roar (why)
6) "I'm All Out of Love" - Air Supply
7) "Here I Am" - Air Supply
8) "Fantasy" - Mariah Carey
9) "Se Telefonando" - from the motion picture Mina
10) "Afternoon Delight" - Starland Vocal Band (why didn't I have it before?)

#3 is this italian song about a guy singing to a girl, saying "sara, wake yourself up - it's springtime! sara, its 7 o'clock and you should go to classes. oh oh oh sa-raaaa don't forget you're pre-e-egnant!...maybe one day I'll marry you."
which is amazing.

List Of Additional Recently Downloaded Songs, Not In Top 10:
(Honorable Mention):
1) "Damn [I Wish I Was Your Lover]" - Sophie B. Hawkins
2) "Hangin' With Mr. Cooper" - from the eponymous TV show
3) "He's A Rebel" - The Crystals
4) "Love Is Alright Tonight" - Rick Springfield
5) "Don't Let It Bring You Down" - Neil Young
6) "Searching My Soul" - one miss Vonda Shepard
7) "My Funny Valentine" - as sung by Matt Damon
8) "Take A Letter Maria" - RB Greaves

yeah that's about it.
Tonight was a night for butterscotch schnapps...and memories

...and this nutrigrain bar commercial.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

These Hats Is Nuts!

Coke Is It! shirt today

Don is driving me nuts

"'But what, what can be done, then?' Sonya repeated, weeping hysterically and wringing her hands.
'What can be done? Smash what needs to be smashed, once and for all, and that's it--and take the suffering upon ourselves! What? You don't understand? You'll understand later...Freedom and power, but above all, power!'"

It's from Crime & Punishment. You know the deal.
Smash what needs to be smashed.

Walt is doing well. Yester-eve Katherine suggested the name Eliot. Eliot seems planty to me, so I might go on down to the courthouse and see about legally changing Walt's name. We'll see.

No, that's reserved for a potential future child.

How about a name that isn't a name, or how about some surname?
Mark told Taylor that I referred to her as his "bitch girlfriend" this morning, and - though I said it jokingly at the time - when Taylor brought it up it this afternoon, I felt vaguely uncomfortable about the whole thing. It was a joke - just because Mark's bitch girlfriend is a ho-bag doesn't mean that Walt/Eliot or I should suffer.
All jokes, all in jest.

What smells so bad outside? Walt, was that you?
That's just its way of asking me to read more Whitman to it.

Okay, Walt...Eliot.
Beginning My Studies
Beginning my studies the first step pleas'd me so much,
The mere face consciousness, these forms, the power of motion,
The least insect or animal, the senses, eyesight, love,
The first step I say awed me and pleas'd me so much,
I have hardly gone and hardly wish'd to go any farther,
But stop and loiter all the time to sing it in ecstatic songs.

(by Whitman, cite cite cite, don't sue me, not that anyone would, end)

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Don't Forget To Feed Your Bear Or It'll Die

I, for one, don't see what's SO Wrong about taking advantage of Don's new coffeemaker and making several videos that feature pepsi-to-coffee pot transfer (a la Stella "pizza" video).

Haven't you heard?!
Good artists borrow,
and Great Artists Steal!

It is the flat-out most undeniable fact in history.

It's a jade. It looks like rubber and Grandma Bobbie has a big one in her apartment. It's in the bedroom that dad and Uncle Al used to share, so I was thinking of naming it Michal (hybrid of Michael and Al), but I quickly poo-poo'd the idea when I imagined myself referring to this jade as Michal. It's not right; it's just not right.

So then I thought, "how about Paul?"
But I didn't really think it was a guy necessarily,
unless it was a really gentle little boy.

But it's not really a girl, either. Unless it were named "Marcy," which is not an option because this jade has no sexual orientation and all Marcy makes me think of is that lesbo from Peanuts.

So right now there's a good chance that I'll call it "Walt" and leave it sexless. Walt will be named for Walt Whitman, because I have taken up reading Leaves of Grass aloud to the jade. We'll see how it does. I want to water it more, but the guy said I should only water it once a week. Walt cost me $4.

Maybe it'll be Walty. No, no wait. Not Walty.

This jade-naming is a difficult and touchy business. And I'm not 100% sure that Marcy was a lesbianca. I'd hate to promote any sort of unwanted libel.

Are you out of love with me?
Are you longing to be free?
Do I drive you up a tree?

Monday, April 11, 2005

Tang Kootang!

Who has more voice talent than Michael Winslow?


Who needs
1) deodorant
2) toothpaste
3) vitamin E pills
4) calcium pills
5) possibly some relaxing pomade for the hair
more than Becky?


What kind of sandwich could be more deliciously filling than a naan sandwich with lettuce, mango chutney, and tandoori chicken inside?




Hooray for Tang Kootang - he takes our homework assignments away!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Me And My Darlin' Keep Love Alive, Even On Texas Time

Movies I just bought at Circuit City on 80th with my brother (Matthew):
1) Spaceballs - why didn't I already have this?
2) The Sure Thing - two Daphne Zuniga movies in one trip, who would've thought?!
3) Circle of Friends - I felt sorry for it...all these dvds were $10 so I left my discretion at the door and picked up another Minnie Driver CLASSIC
4) "So Little Time" - 6 episodes for Tess, a lady who could stand to watch some more Olsen twins

Classes I'm Considering For Next Semester:
1) Contemporary Civilizations (mandatory)
2) Intermediate Italian I (or Operatic Intermediate Italian, if they offer it)
3) Intro Film
4) Music Humanities
5) Mind, Brain, and Behavior OR Science of Psychology
6) Intro Comparative Literature

I can't take all of these at once, nor would I ever want to.

I'm wearing a cross between a tennis skirt and an old-timey cheerleading skirt today. It's red and it leans more to the side of the tennis skirt, but it goes way down and hits my knees. I feel like it would go past the knees if I didn't have it pulled up to my ribs, though. Last night I saw Jonathan Safran Foer in the throes of a Conversation with Jeffrey Brown at the Miller Theatre, 7:30 pm. I shall read his books shortly, a meno che io non abbia voglia di comprarli. It depends.

Matt was fun. I had a dream a few nights ago that he died, and was shortly followed to the grave by our dog, which upped my immediate family's death count considerably. So mom and I were the only ones left, and we knew that if one of us died, the other one was pretty much done. Just finished with everything. Because what the hell is left after that? When I woke up, it was hard for me to feel relieved. I was just sad and exhausted. And cold-sweaty.

The italian above translates to "unless I don't feel like buying them."

Aw mom I never thought that I was a murdering man,
But tonight I'm on my way
Tonight I'm on my way.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Just Call Me The Apology Kid

Because my damn cell phone won't get any damn reception is this retarded dorm of mine and so far this morning, both Hannah AND Amanda have suffered because of it!


(that was meant to sound like Bug from that part of Uncle Buck when he's tied up in the trunk and Uncle Buck & Tia let him out and he as he runs away, he yells "I'm sorry" like a huge asshole so then Uncle Buck hits him with a golf ball because apparently he's really good at golf)

Bug was such an asshole.

What's his last name, "Spray?"
You're one to talk, "Buck."

1) Philo: got a little drunk, saw two Lemoniks (four with double vision) (psych I don't get double vision while drunk) (though I wish I did), impromptu speech that could have benefitted from some research, didn't care, left early to see...

2) a free screening of A Lot Like Love. This movie's tagline is "There's nothing better than a great ruin a perfectly good friendship," which would lead any thinking person to understand that it would be yet another remake of When Harry Met Sally... (Boys and Girls, anyone?). What a deception! Sure, these characters meet each other and lose each other a few times, but they are NEVER friends. Sure, they console each other when they lose respective fiance/es, but they are having sex at the same time. No tension, just "hmm remember that girl from a few years ago? I should really have stayed with her" and "although I didn't want to like that guy with that ugly long hair, I need a New Year's Date, so I'll call him and rekindle a romance." Yes Yes New Year's is in there - disregard similarity to When Harry Met Sally... because it truly isn't the same.

Long Story Short: the idea of the plot wasn't hackeneyed, but the ending could have used a lot more thought. There were nice scenes in the movie and good features all around, but the whole thing was a little shitty. This is my least-hated Ashton Kutcher role. And in it, he has a sister that picks up the phone in the middle of his phone conversation and says, "some other people need the phone, Oliver....DICK!!!!!!" and she screams the "dick" part directly into the phone with a devil voice, which made me laugh for a long time.

3) Rained a lot...and I liked it

4) Looked at our houses via satellite imagery technology with Mark Krotov for a little while

5) Looked at pictures of Sam Rockwell for a few minutes

6) Watched the beginning of Better Off Dead with Don, but then I fell asleep. He turned it off and left when he was starting to fall asleep, too.

7) Slept on top of bed with all clothes and lights on for a few hours

8) Reluctantly woke up at 8 to go to the bathroom

9) Somehow fell asleep again, intermittently receiving phone calls until 1:30

10) Wow have fun reading all that. Next time I'll get drunk enough so I'm a little hungover when I write, and maybe the "last night's events" entry won't be so long.

11) I already know I'm screwed with work this weekend.

12) And this is Sam Rockwell.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Q: So Every Time You Like A Girl, You Fall Into A Fan? A: Yes, I Fall Into A Fan

high heels, dinner al fresco, local food, hair parted on other side, 1/9 full bottle of Dannon water, Jay Sherman, egret stamps!


(It's italian!)

And it means:
The kissed mouth does not lose its freshness; it renews itself like the moon.

I just found a piece of paper in my drawer that reads as follows:
"Cristy didn't feel well because she had a sausage for breakfast.
Conan 20530"

Inspiration for this post?
Conan confirmation number?

I'm thinkin I just figured out the mystery of the desk paper. Yet Another case closed, my old friend.

And closed it was.


Tuesday, April 05, 2005

42 Days Left Until The Big "Rewind Collection" Drop

That's right - 42 sweet, sweet days until Nickelodeon releases Pete & Pete, Clarissa Explains It All, Salute Your Shorts, You Can't Do That On Television, and Are You Afraid of the Dark? on dvd!!

!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

AND my classes for the day are over

AND it's sunny and people are outside and I didn't wear a coat to class for the first time in months

AND to be happier would be impossible

BECAUSE "You Are Forgiven" just came on my computer

AND in the game of life, it's a winner

(ALTHOUGH I'm a weiner)

It's like a dream to be with you again!
Can't believe that I'm with you again!

Monday, April 04, 2005

We Gotta Get You A Woman!

Leroy, boy -
you're my friend.
You say how,
and I'll say when.

That Empty Feeling's Just About To End!

Mr. Rundgren, get out of here! I'm trying to write something, for Pete's sake.

$10 for a marketing study? Gladly

Italian, Frontiers, and Lit Hum homework? ...ok

"We Laugh Indoors" by Death Cab? Not so much, guys. Not right now at least

Policemen on my floor around 2am, solving the case of the drunk-pissing-thieves? Intrigue!
Apparently, a pack of drunk assholes roamed the floor last night because they used to live here. They snatched things off of people's doors, NAMELY a "Where is Amy Q. Lin?" location wheel, and peed all over them. My friend Vishal was in the bathroom when they were peeing all over everything, and he told the police that he overheard them say "Meet me at JJ's in five minutes!"

So then the RA took the cops down to JJ's Place and they found the pee-thieves immediately. And some of us could finally get some sleep, for Pete's sake!

Here is the book that I regret not taking with me to New York:

Here is what I have to do before the end of April:
Visit the Plaza before they TEAR IT DOWN

Do something pretty while you can
Don't be a fool
Reading the Gospel to yourself is fine

We Rule the School

Mark Curry, This Is Your Life!

Hey yo whassup?! Where's my theme music?

hangin with my man he's oh so cool
sometimes bad and he sometimes acts a fool
hangin with my man he's oh so fine
Cooooooper (who him?)
yo coop you're on!

I've found a man who has a PhD in personality
that man you found may be a catastrophe
it's more of a reality

he has the cutest smile
the girls go wild
everytime they see his face
he may be cute and all
but that don't pay this month's rent

hangin with my man is such a high
but it's good to have a friend in both our lives

turn it out here we go here we go!

That's for you, Mark Curry. Where have you a'gone to?

Saturday, April 02, 2005

One More Thing (And It's A Very Big Thing)

PS: A very happy birthday to Chris Meloni, the most capable detective I've ever heard of.

Like Frida Before Me, I Know There's Something Going On

Cousin Emily's Bat Mitzvah!


Saw some of my cousins for first time in years!

(news since Thursday)

Mildly Unpleasant for Known Reason:
--Must lose hour tomorrow for the Return of Daylight Savings Time

Mildly Unpleasant for Unknown Reason:
--Just found out that Will Arnett (GOB Bluth) is married in real life to Amy Poehler

Pleasant for Known Reason:
--Open bar at the Bat Mitzvah

Pleasant for Unknown Reason:
--Hearing the DJ play "Sunrise, Sunset" - even for just one verse - at the reception

So proud of my little cousin. So happy with new haircut. Might see older cousins later on tonight.

Alla famiglia!